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Indian Army to remain on high alert across Indo-China border throughout winter

The Indian Army will continue to be in a state of high alert across the 4000 km long Indo-China border.

An operational alert was declared this August as the stand-off with the Chinese troops in the Doklam plateau in Bhutan threatened India to go out of control.

Beijing issued angry statements which included references to the 1962 Indo-China war. The Operational alert has now been extended till further orders, as confirmed by the top sources to India Today.

Sources said, the “operational alert” has been extended “till further orders.”

Indian and Chinese Troops were on an eyeball to eyeball deployment on the Doklam plateau for over two and half months. The stand-off was resolved after intervention from the highest office from both Delhi and Beijing.
While both sides disengaged and moved back, troops from either side did not withdrew completely. While India pulled back about 600 meters back to its position, the Chinese troops too pulled back few hundred meters.

But, about 500 Chinese troops still remain. Rest of Chinese troops have been moved further back to Yatung and Kumba Zong in Tibet.

However, the situation has now cooled down in Beijing and New Delhi. But, neither side is taking chances.

“On the ground, both sides are watching the other carefully. And, it is nothing wrong keeping in mind the long stand-off,” a top source told India Today.

A full operational alert of the Indian Army would mean the following:

There would no thinning of troops even in the farthest and most inhospitable post along the border.

More troops than normal will have to be acclimatized for higher altitude warfare.

Weapon platforms will have to be at the state of readiness and more troops will be positioned along vulnerable points.

India standing up to China hasn’t gone down well in Beijing. India’s stand has sent a strong message to neighbours like Bangladesh, Vietnam, Thailand and other south Asian counties that are increasingly feeling uncomfortable with an aggressive China.

India believes that Beijing also needs to address its own internal constituency and President Xi Jinping also needs to send a message to the Chinese Communist Party (CPC). New Delhi feels a complete draw down is likely to happen only after party Congress of CPC.

But, until the draw down happens, New Delhi doesn’t want to take any chances.

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