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The Story of Subedar Joginder Singh - Who Crushed Waves Of Chinese Attacks At Bum La In Tawang In 1962

Although the Sino-India war in 1962 did scathe the otherwise unscathed image of the Indian Army, despite the defeat, it did forge many heroes whose acts immortalised them in the annals of history. Among scores who dared death at the face of annihilation was Subedar Joginder Singh, who halted and repulsed the mighty dragon, twice, at Tongpen La in Bum La axis when the enemy was heading to conquer Tawang on 23 October 1962, before succumbing to his injuries in Chinese custody.

Singh was awarded the highest gallantry award, the Param Vir Chakra, after the war, and the stand he took along with a handful of his men against the menacing Chinese is indeed a tale every soldier would love to live. This is the story of Subedar Joginder Singh, who singlehandedly killed more than 50 Chinese before he was captured.

Birth at Moga

Subedar Joginder Singh was born on 28 September, 1921, in Mahla Kalan village at Moga, District Faridkot in Punjab in the house of Sher Singh. He enrolled in the army as a Sepoy on 28 September, 1936, in the First Sikh Regiment. He served in the British Indian army at various places on the Burma Front and won many laurels. After Independence, he served with the Sikh regiment at Srinagar in 1948 when Pakistani tribals attacked Kashmir.

1962 War

During the Sino-Indian War in 1962, the Indian Army was facing successive setbacks from all theatres of wars, especially in the North East Frontier Agency (NEFA) where Indian troops couldn't provide the required resistance which brought great humiliation to the reputation of an army that had proved instrumental in making the British victorious in World War-II.

Joginder Singh was commanding a platoon of 20 soldiers to form the guards of IB Ridge and Twin Peaks. The Chinese, who were eyeing the capture of Tawang from Indian forces, knew they wouldn't get a hold of Tawang without capturing the Twin Peaks because Indian soldiers stationed here could see every movement of the Chinese from miles away. Therefore, it was certain the Chinese would put all their effort to capture IB Ridge and Twin Peaks. In the early hours of 23 October, 1962, the Chinese launched offensive from three sides and Assam Riffles posted at Bum La couldn't pose much resistance, and soon the war at IB Ridge was guarded by Subedar Joginder Singh with his men.
The ridge was quite steep and it was a daunting task for the Chinese as most of the troops were exposed to Indian guns. Subedar grabbed this opportunity with both hands and killed many Chinese while repulsing the two waves of aggression.
"At 0530 hours on 23 October, 1962, the Chinese opened a very heavy attack on the Bumla axis with the intention of breaking through to Tawang. The leading battalion of the enemy attacked the ridge in three waves, each about 200 strong. Subedar Joginder Singh and his men mowed down the first wave, and the enemy was temporarily halted by the heavy losses it suffered. Within a few minutes, a second wave came over and was dealt with similarly," reads the Citation of Indian Army about Joginder Singh and battle of IB Ridge.

But after repulsing two waves, Indians were running out of ammunition. Joginder Singh asked for more ammunition from the Company Headquarters, but it was hard to supplement the troops as the Chinese had taken care of the communication network. The Coy Cdr, Lt. Haripal Kaushik, asked Sub Singh to retire to the Coy Headquarters but in reply, the latter assured that the enemy would not be allowed to get through the IB Ridge to the Twin Peaks. 
"Subedar Joginder Singh was wounded in the thigh but refused to be evacuated. Under his inspiring leadership the platoon stubbornly held its ground and would not withdraw. Meanwhile the position was attacked for the third time. Subedar Joginder Singh himself manned a light machine-gun and shot down a number of the enemy. The Chinese however continued to advance despite heavy losses. When the situation became untenable Subedar Joginder Singh and the few men that were left in the position fixed bayonets and charged the advancing Chinese, bayoneting a number of them before he and his comrades were overpowered. Throughout this action, Subedar Joginder Singh displayed devotion to duty, inspiring leadership and bravery of the highest order," further reads the Citation.

'Jo Bole So Nihal', the war cry of the platoon was fierce enough to scare the Chinese who perished at the bayonets of Khalsas in thick numbers. While many of his fellow soldiers perished in combat, Sub Joginder Singh was badly wounded, captured and taken as POW.
He succumbed to his wounds in the Tibet region under Chinese custody as a POW. He was awarded the PVC posthumously for showing unparalleled courage despite being at the face of annihilation.

The epilogue

When the Chinese learnt that Joginder Singh was awarded the PVC, the Chinese army, as a mark of respect, repatriated his ashes with full military honours to the battalion on May 17, 1963. His urn was later  brought to the Sikh Regimental Centre at Meerut. The urn was honoured at a memorial service held at the Gurdwara Sahib the next day. Later, in a poignant ceremony, the urn was handed over to his widow Gurdial Kaur and young son.
Besides the memorial for his heroics in Moga town, the Indian Army paid tribute to this great martyr by building a monument in his memory at IB ridge.

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